Value Engineering

Value engineering=value-creation process

At PRODESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION, value engineering is not simply an exercise in cutting costs. Reducing costs at the expense of quality is not our goal. Instead, value engineering is a creative method of maximizing a project’s function while minimizing cost to deliver the most significant value to our clients, being a systematic method for analyzing a project to identify essential functions, design opportunities, and alternate methods to meet client’s budget and schedule requirements.

Value definition is the ratio of function to cost. As such, value can be increased by improving the function or optimizing the cost.

In the context of constructions, performance and safe use of a building is non-negotiable, must be preserved, and value increased by using economical and proper materials or techniques to achieve the desired performance.  Through the value engineering process, PRODESIGN ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION will evaluate the design, construction materials, and systems involved to determine more cost-effective options to achieve the same result.We evaluate the impact on the initial cost of construction, operations, maintenance, and life cycle cost. Value engineering’s potential is most significant when the process begins in pre-design. The value engineering process divides the project’s scope into components, examining each component for alternatives that offer benefits in engineering design, equipment, material selection, construction, and operations and maintenance.

It is a structured application of proven techniques, applied at multiple project phases, with the primary objective to identify cost reductions.

We consider every potential value sector—costs, aesthetics, delivery, future maintenance, energy and utilities, space utilization, site expansion or adaptation provisions, client options, and real estate exit strategies. In short, we work with our owner-clients to create an end-to-end customized response to their specific value needs. Our team carefully considers all aspects of the project and involves the clients right from the start when making value engineering proposals. In addition, we carefully consider and thoroughly explain all options in the following areas:

  • Cost reduction: suggestions of less expensive alternatives to specified architectural/engineering systems or materials.
  • value-added: higher quality products that will increase value for the client and overall satisfaction with the project.
  • Life-Cycle Analysis: options that work to balance initial construction costs and the long-term operational budget of the development.