There are few more challenging building environments than the defense industry: Rigorous security, total privacy, and exacting standards. Fortunately, military precision is something Prodesign Engineering & Construction has a great deal of experience.
The Defense market is more and more demanding for advanced complex systems with a variety of industrial applications. It is also rapidly widening and diversifying, protecting against new threats relevant to civilian security. Working in a defense and security environment demands exceptional levels of service and experience.
We specialize in built environment design and the integration of complex and regulated processes. Furthermore, we deliver designs for large, high-value, and complexity containment units and campus redevelopments. We are trusted to deliver projects in highly secure, regulated environments through a genuinely integrated service. Our multidisciplinary design and engineering consultancy provides integrated design,
project management, and configuration management services to clients in the defense and security-related industries. Prodesign Engineering & Construction provides support to the defense industry where it is needed and when it is needed. We have resources to be in the right place at the right time to supply integrated support throughout a project’s lifecycle – from planning to design and engineering to construction.
Prodesign Engineering & Construction stands at the forefront of the industry, combining creative design, state-of-the-art technology, and high-quality construction to deliver a full range of port and marine projects.
By providing cost-effective and reliable port development solutions that achieve competitive advantages for our clients, we have built a reputation for innovation.
Prodesign Engineering & Construction offers the full range of harbor engineering, design, and consulting services delivered in a multidisciplinary approach, drawing on specialists from other sectors to ensure the success of every harbor project we run.
The harbor construction includes producing a site plan, wave models, environmental impact assessment, geological research, earthquake studies, structural design of quays and breakwaters, and inspection and supervision during construction, calling on the expertise of a wide range of specialists.
From concept and planning to construction design, Prodesign Engineering & Construction’s holistic approach combines valuable engineering experience with sustainable environmental management and economic practicality to deliver high-value customer solutions.
With company services spanning the range of all civil engineering disciplines, Prodesign Engineering & Construction provides its customers with every service they need for a successful harbor project of any size.
The aviation ecosystem is evolving. Airports, logistics, supply companies, regulators, and airlines are now intrinsically intertwined.
No longer just a transit place, airports and airport terminals are hubs of global connectivity and community. They can be powerhouses for local economies.
At Prodesign Engineering & Construction we are closely tracking – and planning for the key trends that are reshaping the industry.
The trend towards more direct long-haul flights with fewer stop-overs, changing consumer expectations of the travel experience, the need for more sustainable travel, including design of net-zero emission airports and airport terminals.

We combine our traditional engineering and technical services with an innovative approach to ensure our client’s assets and projects are future-proofed. We are already using exciting digital tools, such as virtual reality and advanced visualization, to look at project options in a new light and support strategic decision-making.
The possibilities become endless when we add to the emerging tools – including predictive modeling, demographic analysis, machine learning, and passenger profiling. When we work for our clients, we can say we take flight by looking at a problem from an entirely new perspective. We co-create, take calculated risks and bring innovative ideas to life to ensure the aviation assets and projects succeed.
Projects in this sector
Our combination of technical expertise and creative design is
reflected through our many successful designs, including recognised iconic buildings and high-quality projects.