Conexiune autostrada, reconfigurare pod si acces – CTP Romania/CTPark km 23 Autostrada A1

Highway connection, bridge and access reconfiguration


Roads and bridges design services, related to construction with road functions: extension of the car crossing the Bucharest-Pitesti highway through the construction of a new bridge, respectively reconfiguration of the highway entrance and exit at the road junction km 23 of the A1 Bucharest-Pitesti highway.

Site facts & figures


around 4 000 0000


permitting design construction design details design


Our services included the management of the following elements:

  • General Design
  • Architecture
  • Bridges & Roads

See all video for project

CTP Romania/CTPark km 23

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Our combination of technical expertise and creative design is reflected through our many successful designs,
including recognised iconic buildings and high-quality projects.